Our handpicked CNC machine operators are highly skilled, passionate, meticulous, quality focused and love the challenges often already declined by competitors. With 26 years plus experience, a “can do” attitude, they go where others fear to tread.
OUR VISION: To be the preferred Local and International Supplier of Precision Machined and Manufactured parts.
OUR MISSION: We will achieve our Vision by applying the following –
- Customer Service: We are committed to consistently provide exceptional quality products and services to exceed the requirements of our Local and International customers.
- Quality and Productivity: We continuously hone the skills of our production team and instill a culture of “passion for precision”. We produce products to be consistently of excellent quality, meeting and ensuring customer specification, requirements, and satisfaction, with particular attention to detail.
- Communication and People Development: We are committed to promoting good human relations and creating and maintaining an environment conducive to creative and innovative behavior.
- Participation and Empowerment: We are committed to creating opportunities for all staff to grow to their full potential, to experience involvement and a sense of ownership, and a freedom in decision-making, and that learning from mistakes is a crucial part of continual quality improvement methodology.
- Safety, Health and Housekeeping: We maintain the highest possible standard of cleanliness, safety, and health in the workplace environment.
- Community Responsibility: We are committed to uplifting our community through job creation and employee development. In addition to our business ethics, we also have a patriotic motive behind this venture, which we see as a method of reaffirming the country’s global standing in the precision machining and engineering fields.
We are very proud to present our team of highly skilled, CNC Operators/Setters, Quality Controllers, Finishers, Designers and Programmers, CRM and Support Staff.
What you see here is a hand-picked team with some having over 20 years’ service by us. We acknowledge ongoing training and developing of our staff as crucial to our company- and team’s wellbeing and growth, as well as to stay in touch with market developments and customer needs.
With a “can-do” and ongoing quality improvement attitude and knowing you can count on the guy next to you, as well as “in-touch” and full management support, you end up with a team which creates and stimulates positive reputations and long-term relationships.
Our team is also your team!